Sunday, April 24, 2011

More Decorator Crabs!

We visited the area north of Casuarina Point again in search for the crabs. Tracy found two more of them in a near by location for a total of four on the same coral head. Also a big Barracuda was mixing with the Horse Eye Jacks and allowed us to get real close.
We did a total of four dives in two days for more than five hours of bottom time and over 250 pictures taken!
Until next one

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Decorator Crab!

Very hard to see and difficult for our cameras to capture a good image. Tracy found two beautiful decorator crabs on an island of coral, north- west of Devils Grotto. We spent a long time watching these creatures do their thing.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Saturday Dive

Photo Dives: Friday with Tracy; Saturday with Dario Puebla.
Location: North side of Casuarina Reef/ South of Devil's Grotto
Water Temp: 80 degrees surface/ 78 degrees at 52 feet
Visibility: 70 feet
Winds: East North East

Friday, April 1, 2011

Turtle Farm Mini Wall

Today we headed toward the left of the mini wall. The Tarpon Cave was very populated with huge Tarpons facing the light west to east current. We had a close encounter with a good size Turtle feeding on a sponge while an French Angel and Queen Angel were taking pieces of sponge from the Turtle's mouth. We found a pretty good size Golden Tail Moray being cleaned by Gobies and the sandy bottom at 55 feet was covered with baby flounders and Garden Eels.
Fish were very active as there were lot of creatures floating by with the current to feed on!