Friday, June 6, 2014

Boat Diving, Shore Diving, Night Diving...all diving....

During the last couple of weeks we did a few dives. Some from shore, some from boats and some at night. All great dives with excellent weather, good visibility and great buddies.
With my dive buddies Dario & Esteban we visited two dive sites; Trinity Caves and the Wreck of the Balboa during the day. Esteban, Tracy and I returned to the Balboa for a night dive expedition with all staff members from Don Foster's Dive Cayman . Plus Tracy and I dove Casuarina Point Reef.
Incredible marine life and great encounters with creatures big and small. Here are some pics!

Thanks for watching!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Squid Fest 2014

Another awesome dive from the shore at Don Foster's Dive Cayman.
Several pods of Squid, Silversides, Turtles, Angel Fish and more!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Squid are back!

More and more fish can be seen at the Casuarina Point Reef accessible from Don Foster's Dive Cayman.
Our dives were during the mid morning and then again late afternoon. A pod of squid have been hanging around by the shallows and it was really fun to watch.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Wreck of the Doc Polson & Hidden Killer Pillar Coral Reef in Grand Cayman

The Cayman Islands has now 365 dive sites to choose from. It will take many years of scuba diving to be able to visit them all.
Doctor Polson was the Diving Doctor of the islands for many years and took care of many divers.
A barge was sunk to make a dive site during the early 90's and was named in his honor. A very popular wreck site located in the West Bay bight in about 50 feet of water. The wreck is adjacent to a very healthy reef and attracts great marine life.
Another beautiful reef is "Hidden Killer Pillar Coral Reef". This reef was kept as a "secret location" for several years. It was discovered by Don Foster's Dive staff ( ) while exploring new sites and it remained an "anchor drop" for a long time. The reef is located close to where the old Royal Palms Hotel and Don Foster's Dive headquarters used to be.
Both, the wreck and the reef are only accessible by boat. Do not miss them!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Close interaction with the creatures of the sea in their natural environment allows us to appreciate their behavior.
During the dive yesterday at Casuarina Point Reef ( ), a Tiger Grouper came straight to us, landed on my right arm and started to spin on her sides. My interpretation of this behavior was that she wanted to get rid of the sucker fish attached to her. However the remora did not seem to like my wet suit and stayed on the grouper. This behavior went on for several minutes. Thankfully my dive buddy (my wife!) managed to get some videos and photos.
Here is the result: