Sunday, August 16, 2009

Casuarina Point Reef Dive!

Gonzalo, Esteban and I went for an afternoon exploration dive from Casuarina Reef to Eden Rock.We went in search for the Silver Sides. We only found a few close to Devil's Grotto. On the way we had encounters with eleven adult Squid, two turtles (one real close to us while eating a sponge), several Tarpons and Groupers.
We had the chance to observe some neat fish behavior. Two Groupers, one Tiger Grouper and a Jack were relentless following a hunting Spotted Moray. Our close presence did not detered the party. In fact the Jack was so daring as to stay very close to us, almost touching us as he went by, waiting for scraps from the Moray's hunting mission. Very cool to watch!
We also came accross two pigmy file fish. One on a Rope Sponge and a bigger one hanging close to a coral head. This last one was big enough that we can appreciate in detail his transformation from a smooth skin surface to a "spike" configuartion. The spikes could be seen not only on his body but also around his eyes and the actual file.
Dive profile was to a maximun depth of 45 feet, average depth of 30 feet and a bottom time of just about 100 minutes (computer dive) on air.
Until next dive!

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