Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Face of the Moray

Pretty good diving conditions again. Water at 86 degrees, light surface chop, some sediment in the water carried by a very weak southerly current. The Durgeons were very active close to the wall section of Casuarina Point Reef. We found again the couple of big French Angelfish we spotted last week. Also the Hog Fish was around.
In an isolated small coral we found a nice size green Moray eel. She let us get very close and for over twenty minutes we could appreciate the work of the cleaning gobies and also observe in detail the moray's face.
Pike blennies were out again right where the highest concentration of Garden Eels were. Greta Dive! Profile: 57 feet max depth; Avg depth 35 feet; Bottom Time: 1:27 Hr.

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