Sunday, January 24, 2010

We have been involved in improving our skills and testing our photo gear. During our dives we encountered large schools of Squid (30 and up), several turtles, large green moray eels and several friendly Snappers. In the caves near Devil's Grotto the Tarpons were circling around in and out of the caves before taking their daily late afternoon trip south toward Grand Old House Reef. Also the anemones were in full blossom out. Their tips showing off their green, blue and white neon colors.
During our adventure on Saturday we explored the reef south of Don Foster's Dive. We noticed a lot of very healthy soft corals growing tall, many rope sponges of the red and blue variety and many gorgonian seafans. We saw several groupers, a big size Zero who decided to ran around circles around us, a big green moray and even a Lion Fish.
Visibility was down a bit but marine life was very active.

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