Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Great weather is back!

After seven cold fronts that brought rough seas on the west side finally, the East- North- East winds are back, strong but from the right direction! We have done several dives in the almost 30 days since the last post. In each dive we saw something new, a different behavior from known fish or introduced someone new in the world of scuba diving.
Arika took up on diving for the first time. She is a natural and we managed to get some photos and saw turtles, squid and a nurse shark. Unfortunately we saw how discarded plastic debris can badly affect the environment and the creatures that live in it. One Squirrel Fish had swam into the plastic loop from a bottle and this loop got stuck half way into its body length. As he is growing the plastic is digging into his body (dorsal fin and belly sides).
With Dario we did a few photo expeditions including a day with strong NE winds that brought swarms of Warty Jellies. With a purple bumpy bell on the top and long tentacles, these jelly fish are mildly toxic however when they show up in such quantities divers have to be very careful.
Dario and I had great sightings of Tarpons, Turtles, Squid and a big school of Jack.
We can not wait to go back and take more pictures. The reefs are very busy right now with all the food carried with the winds are currents. Until next one!

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