Monday, June 7, 2010

Dive, Dive, Dive!

Great adventures were had during this last week end. We dove the Turtle Farm Mini Wall again. As soon as we reached the bottom of the mini wall Tracy found a beautiful Scorpion Fish perched on a small coral outcropping. I was getting ready to take a picture when all of the sudden he/ she swallowed a small fish in a fraction of a second. He jumped on the sand patch and then proceeded to "walk" with his pectoral fins along the sand directly to my camera! He came all the way to my lens (making it impossible for me take the pics. I moved a few feet away, he came forward again. This behavior continued for many minutes until we reached a group of rocks on the bottom where finally decided it was his new home. The Scorpion fish walked along the sandy floor for about 35 feet. At that point Tracy signaled again onto the sand. This time there was a Golden Spotted Eel making her runs trying to feed on crabs and shells buried on the sand. We stayed observing the eel's behavior for another 30 minutes. Watching these fish behavior was like watching a National Geo documentary. Awesome dive!
On Saturday we went back to the Pond (Cow Well). We descended to about 68 feet and broke into a crystal clear water layer coming from the actual ground feed. The entrance to the cave could be seen however we stayed on the outside as we wanted to be very cautious on our exploratory dive. To all surprise, Randy found a crocodile skull (upper mandible). We know crocks are supposedly extinct on the island however it was hard to tell for us whether this skull is a fossil or not. I will send some pics to experts to get more information as soon as i can. Until next dive!

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