Monday, January 24, 2011

Kitti, Kathy & Linda!

The new year brought a new wreck to the Cayman Islands diving scene. The Kittiwake was sunk at the beginning of the month. We did one exploratory dive a few days after the sinking. We spent about one hour diving the wreck. It is spectacular, offers great photo opportunities and it will take many dives to get to know her all.

Kathy and her friend Linda came for a visit. I have dived with Kathy in the past and was looking forward to dive with her again. We dove Trinity Caves, Oro Verde Wreck, Great House Wall and Wild Life reef. Several tunnels, black coral and lots of fish, including a big green moray and also lobsters, furry sea cucumber and more. It was a pleasure to guide Kathy. Kathy is passionate about diving and improving her skills with each and every dive. She is going to Wakatobi next and I can not wait for her stories!
Linda came with few expectations and the idea of "trying" Scuba for the first time. She enjoyed so much that ended up diving every day including shore and boat dives. I admire her openness to a new challenge and now is on the way to get certified. I hope to have the opportunity to guide them privately again soon!

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