Sunday, July 1, 2012

Don Foster's Dive & Turtle Farm Reefs

Another great week end of diving! Friday Tracy and I dove the South side of Don Foster's Reef. Exploring an area where we found very healthy coral formations with many tube and rope sponges, some of pretty big size. Cleaning stations are abundant in the area and fish life is plenty. Over the sand patch at about 50 feet there are several islands of coral formation. Each of them with their own fish inhabitants. Also two long coral fingers extend from the shallow end all the way to the drop off.

Saturday, Esteban, Romeo Daniel and I explored the east side of the Turtle Farm Reef. Sharp Nose Puffers were everywhere and we saw many big Trumpet fish very active hunting around the coral. A big Green Moray and three Spotted Morays were posing for our cameras. Over the shallows (one of my favorites) in about 8 feet of water with many Blennies of different kinds, we spotted a baby cow fish. Although very camouflaged she/he stayed with us and allowed us to get some pics.

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