Saturday, November 17, 2012

Week End of Diving

Friday and Saturday we did two dives at the Don Foster's Casuarina Reef Dive Site. While the winds were pretty much N. North East, conditions were different both days.
Friday was pretty surge over the shallows while we were looking at the family of Banded Jaw fish (like six of them). One of them was nursing the eggs in his/her mouth however we did not get to see them.
The deeper part of the reef was very active with marine life, visibility was pretty good partly due to a bit of north to south current common with this type of wind pattern.
Over the sand patch we found an elusive Pipe Fish amongst the Garden Eels and Conchs

Saturday was still choppy on the surface however there was almost no current. Visibility was pretty decent and the fish were all over the place. Loads of Garden Eels, Angel Fish of several kinds, Big Barracuda, Snappers, hundreds of Blue Cromis too. Several of the Rope sponges were inhabited by Pygmy File Fish.
Many Pike Blennys were popping up from sand mounds all along the 50 feet sand patch.
Here are some of the pics. Until next dive!

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